What is Human+
Make a Better Human
Improve human functionality
Faster, Stronger, Better
Human+ is a research group based in Xiamen University, China, led by Dr. Shihui Guo. We develop novel wearable systems and methods to boost the wellbeing for common people.
Breaking News from Us
A Big Step For Us, A Small Step For Human
Chengxu Zuo, Yiming Wang, Lishuang Zhan, Shihui Guo*, Xinyu Yi, Feng Xu, Yipeng Qin:Loose Inertial Poser: Motion Capture with IMU-attached Loose-Wear Jacket.CVPR 2024.(通讯作者,CCF-A类会议)
Tianxiang Ren,Jubo Yu,Shihui Guo*,Ying Ma,Yutao Ouyang,Zijiao Zeng,Yazhan Zhang,Yipeng Qin:Diverse Motion In-betweening from Sparse Keyframes with Dual Posture Stitching.IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, p1-12, 2024.(通讯作者,CCF-A类期刊)
Lishuang Zhan, Tianyang Xiong, Hongwei Zhang, Shihui Guo*, Xiaowei Chen, Jiangtao Gong, Juncong Lin, Yipeng Qin:TouchEditor: Interaction Design and Evaluation of a Flexible Touchpad for Text Editing of Head-Mounted Displays in Speech-unfriendly Environments.Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies(IMWUT)2023(通讯作者,CCF-A类会议/期刊)